Icons are meant to indicate the distance from shore a person will be and/or the length of time it will take for a rescue. The higher the numbers indicate greater flotation, turning, and stability in the water or the performance level.

Level 50 - intended for use by competent swimmers near shore who have help and a means of rescue close at hand. A level 50 has NO turning ability. LEVEL 50 IS NOT YET COAST GUARD APPROVED!
Important considerations:
- user is expected to have swimming skills
- not recommended for weak or non-swimmers
- intended to be used close to shore and when immediate assistance is available
- no turning ability
It is important to note unless a federal or state rule specifies that a Coast Guard approved life jacket must be worn, a life jacket that is not Coast Guard-approved can be worn legally. However, a life jacket that is not Coast Guard approved will not legally satisfy the Coast Guard life jacket carriage requirements. A life jacket meeting carriage requirements must be carried onboard the vessel to satisfy the letter of the law.

Level 70 - intended for use near shore where a means of rescue is close at hand. Some of these devices are designed and intended for specific activities such as paddling, waterskiing, or use on personal watercraft. This style of life jacket is not required to turn an unconscious person into a safe position.
Important considerations for use:
- intended to be used in calm or sheltered waters
- intended to be used close to shore or help near to hand
- no turning ability

Level 100 - intended for use in sheltered waters where rescue may not occur immediately. Higher performance-rated life jackets would be a better choice for rough waters.
Important considerations for use:
- intended to be used in calm or sheltered water
- when rescue is not immediate, expecting some time to wait for rescue
- has some turning ability

Level 150 - intended for general application or for use with foul-weather clothing. It will turn an unconscious person into a safe position and requires no subsequent action by the user to maintain this position.
Important considerations for use:
- intended to be used in offshore waters with waves
- has turning ability

Level 275 - intended primarily for offshore use under extreme conditions or where rescue is expected to take a long time.
Important considerations for use:
- offshore emergency situations
- used with the weight of extra tools, equipment, or clothing

Turning Icon
The curved arrow icons indicate the ability of a life jacket to turn an unconscious person face up. Each life jacket is marked with one of two icons to let the wearer know if a life jacket is capable or designed to turn an unconscious person face up without assistance.

The arrow with the slash through it is the "NO TURN" icon. A life jacket with this icon WILL NOT TURN a person face up. The other icon (with no slash) indicates the life jacket is designed to turn most wears face-up. The higher-level life jackets will have the most turning ability.
Intended Use Icons
The warnings panel on the label includes essential information about the device and its intended use. First you will see the Warning icon followed by one or more icons representing activities for which the life jacket is not appropriate such as waterskiing, towed watersports, or personal watercraft. Therefore, if any of these icons appear on the label, the life jacket is NOT approved for that activity.

The Warning icon
This area may also include important information about the requirement to wear the life jacket.

The icon with the slash through a waterskiing tow line handle indicates this life jacket is NOT approved for waterskiing or participating in similar towed uses.

The icon with the slash through the person being towed on a tube indicates this life jacket is NOT approved for tubing or participating in similar uses.

The icon with the slash through the person riding a personal watercraft indicates this life jacket is NOT approved for use onboard a PWC (also known as Jet Ski®, WaveRunner® and other brand names).

The icon with the slash through the person padding a kayak in whitewater is the icon indicating this life jacket is NOT approved for use in whitewater conditions.
NOTE: States may develop their own life jacket requirement rules pertaining to these activities or types of boats.
Manufacturer Information Panel
Will include:
- Name of manufacturer
- Company address
- Company website
- Approval numbers
- ANSI/CAN/UL standard number
- Model, Lot Number, and style
- May include important notes
May include conditions of Coast Guard approval, such as a wearage requirement like those on the legacy label of a Type V life jacket or an age restriction.